
Hi, I’m a creator

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About the countdown, just kidding, I missed a day in the countdown and instead of being a normal human being and just picking up where I left off, I decided to randomize all the numbers and insert hidden codes all throughout. (This had absolutely nothing to do with me breaking the time/space continuum to write this novella absolutely nothing and I never did that ever. Of course not!) Anyway!!!! I'm sure you've all been dying with anticipation to see what glorious chaos I've inoculated into...

Hiii, If you couldn't open the vial to read my novella, or if it didn't really load once you opened it, that - that's on me! So I fixed it to a PDF now hope you enjoy!

GOOD MORRRRRNING FIERCE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GENTLELADIES AND FIERCE MEN!!! Gender stereotypes are unnecessary and cause glorious chaos to break 😁 (Friendly reminder to just be a person not a gender :) (I'm going to get letters about this) So. I am late. Computer crashed. Again. (I almost lost. ALL. my writing.😬) This is why I'm late...(and saving for a standalone tablet for my animation and art and maybe even music, like $380 to 500 taking in a sturdy cover and all) But hey, it made me think...

Good morning and welcome, Humans and orcs, goths and anime characters And that occasional sadistic timetraveler who wants to watch this part of history go down. You know who you are...🤫 🙂 🌟ALRIGHT THE TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!🌟 I N T R O D U C I N G F O R Y O U R E N T E R T A I N M E N T A N D A M U S E M E N T ... PLANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈 Ok actually so I was gonna have a nice presentation of some of Rusted Knight's world-building equipment, walking through one of his fighter planes in...

Ok!! Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Rogues and knaves, aliens and humans And of course the occasional shoeless unicorn 😏 *Sigh* Actually I was sick for a bit and that's why the last newsletter was a little sub par. And this one's late! 👻 ANYWAY!! *But lookitlookit! I animated text!!...yes I know the layout's practically illegible I swear I'll get better eventually...* PICTURE CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok gang, if you tuned into last newsletter you know the basic drill. But! Here's the next...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! And greetings, people sane and insane Those who believe they are sane but are crazy, and those who think they're crazy but...are. 🧐 C'mon, everybody's crazy, admit it and enjoy your next twenty-four hours of life. *(because that sounds slightly more unnerving that "have a great day!"👻)* Alright, fun and games over, this is our part two of the initial Grand Opening!!! If memory serves correctly, it's possible I may have possibly promised an actual official teaser for...

Hello, kids and grownups Kids who wish they were grownups and grownups who wish they were kids... Remember age is just a number and it's probably legal in some states to change it. :) *haha, seriously don't* Well, I'm sure you must be wondering why I brought you here because I was wondering the exact same thing. But-due to an extraordinary lapse of judgement, I decided this would be a great marketing plan with my brother/co-author's approval, for the purpose of goofing off building a...