
Hi, I’m a creator


Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hello, kids and grownups

Kids who wish they were grownups and grownups who wish they were kids...

Remember age is just a number and it's probably legal in some states to change it. :)

*haha, seriously don't*

Well, I'm sure you must be wondering why I brought you here because I was wondering the exact same thing.

But-due to an extraordinary lapse of judgement, I decided this would be a great marketing plan with my brother/co-author's approval, for the purpose of goofing off building a connection with our target audience (obviously XD)

Plus, it looks awesome on a graphic design resume (I checked ;)

So let's get this going with a webtoon to rock your world! Just a little. Inter a glacier =D.

To start you'll get to meet the authors: my brother Curtis Smith Nimitz and me Cathy Rose!

Some of you-ok most of you-might know him as Rusted Knight on StoryEmbers. And those of you that do know him probably know he specializes in alternate historical analysis and highly sophisticated sci-fi technological genius.

In a word, my brother's epic.

Curtis/Rusted Knight designed the entire first draft of this story with original and dynamic fantasy worldbuilding hitched with logical credibility and strategically soudn groundwork for the plot.

Basically, he makes everything scientifically/strategically plausible and real-to-life. Like really. Every detail.

And me, I'm the extravert who does the self-publishing promotions. Because, *.*


Ok, I specialize in delivering the emotional impact and themes. I do the art, most of the dialogue (generally not the aerial, nautical or strategically-oriented fights/choreography: Curtis Smith knows all the lingo off the top of his head so that's his area ;)

My job is to make the characters quirky and engaging and ramp up the tension. And it's. Really fun!!!

Now that that awkward "tell me about yourself" stuff is done, let's get down to the webtoon itself!

Our official series title is finally being released and you are the first to ever here it! *mysteriously* (Ever...)

---dramatic pause---


I was gonna include an exclusive Christmas pic and teaser but-research-speaking-newsletters are supposed to be brief. Therefore, you shall have to marinade in torturous anticipate until the...24th.

Which of course I am so horribly sorry for (MWAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S DELICIOUSLY EVIL!!!!)

But that's good business ;)

So thank you for your valuable time I probably just wasted and God bless whether ya like it or not! <3

Hi, I’m a creator

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