
Hi, I’m a creator


Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read


And greetings, people sane and insane

Those who believe they are sane but are crazy, and those who think they're crazy but...are. 🧐

C'mon, everybody's crazy, admit it and enjoy your next twenty-four hours of life.

*(because that sounds slightly more unnerving that "have a great day!"👻)*

Alright, fun and games over, this is our part two of the initial Grand Opening!!! If memory serves correctly, it's possible I may have possibly promised an actual official teaser for the Steam and Legends webtoon/comic/manga (it's an on-going argument discussion, don't ask, it's for whichever one comes up on search-engines better XD).

Incidentally, there was going to be some official title art but that didn't meet deadlines and also I'm trying a new art software so...we'll see where that goes ;). I FINISHED IT THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS EVE DON'T KNOCK IT!!!!


But, anyway, an official teaser was promised and teaser we must have!


Right after I hold you in suspense with a brief introduction 😼

For all the newbies to this story-actually a lot more than I anticipated when I started-lemmie give a quick rundown. My brother, Curtis Smith, and I came up with this idea to co-write this Prohibition steampunk, and we ended up developing two characters, Ehud and Rosario, that got a lot of positive feedback on character developing StoryEmbers forum; you can read the whole thing here, 100+ pages now so be warned 🙃

But anyway, Ehud and Rosario are a cute, little ship and I have a special treat for all those shippers at the end of this newsletter 😉

He's a literal ray of sunshine and she's been diagnosed as a sociopath before-accurately or inaccurately-so they cool! And hey no cheating and scrolling to the bottom to see...*stares directly at Rose-Colored-Fancy (real names hidden to protect the innocent...or guilty😈)*

*sigh* and I guess I must eventually and totally right now at the end of this ridiculous sentence made ridiculous long and designed just for you, to annoy you 😉At the end of this sentence I bring to you

for your entertainment

and amusement




*imagine totally epic background art that didn't make the deadline, 'K?*



On one side of the war...

Eleazar Zaugustus

Age 19, fighter pilot of Eagle 8th...

I'd never call myself a hero.

But I've fought beside heroes; people who die for their beliefs, their country, their families...

People don't know whether I have a country; half-Anakaran and half-Gaeliscian two provinces at war. Either side I choose people can count as a treachery, or mercenary at best. Even the best people, know never to trust an Anakaran...

It's not that I've ever needed anyone to like me to do my job, but now that job is...

You could say it's more political-and personal-than ever, as I transport the Gaeliscian princess through the no-go trail edging the very heart of Anakaran infestation.

My job is to help the princess escape through the most dangerous territory known, to do so successfully where no one else has, and to do so knowing the province I serve will not have my back.

And this job comes, right as the pieces begin to fall around the arson that left me an amnesic orphan...

On the other side of the war...

Anakara capitol

[Yes, the font is pink, everyone who gets it already knows who I'm about to introduce..😁.]

Ehud. Last name...undetermined.

Age 16, fulltime trouble-magnet, half-time accidental escape artist...

If you can hear this I don't have a lot of time.

I know nobody's taken me seriously about this but I found something, something big, and I got proof too. So if I make it out alive, I swear I'll never go snooping again for a whole month!

I never even know how many secrets were right under my nose.

I don't know if learning the truth is worth the cost.


What do you do, when you know your best friend is hiding something really bad, something that's gonna come back for her? And it's gonna get you too coz what goes around comes around and it's not one of those things you can hide from forever.

I just wanted the truth. But the deeper I get, the more contagious deadly secrets get...

How do you know who to trust?


AAAND with that oninious introduction I shall leave you...

*dramatic pause*

*Sigh* I know, it's Christmas and I'll try to be good because I want presents 😜Here we have the special treat for the shippers {you know who you are😼}! Just a cute, little romantic picture of them together on Christmas Eve in a totally normal little old town...

Stare at it longer than five minutes and you begin to get worried 😇And yes that is indeed Ehud stealing the marshmallows off Rosario's hot chocolate 🙃

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, anybody who can guess how many skulls and hearts are hidden in the picture will be announced winner in the next newsletter!!! And there will be a surprise prize so be sure to try and guess *no I'm not giving you money btw 🙀*

Again, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your precious time I probably just wasted and God bless whether ya want it or not!

Hi, I’m a creator

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